Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 3= Friends

I have asked some of my dear friends to write about the importance of being an advocate for Crohn's disease and how they feel about the disease and being a best friend of mine.  I love them all!!!

Here they go :) 

Crohn's advocacy is something that is near and dear to my heart since my best friend has been struggling with it for 15 years. Until Kristi was diagnosed, I had never heard of Crohn's. One would think treatment sounds as simple as "watch what you eat". Unfortunately, it's not. I don't think many people have a strong grasp on how debilitating this disease is, as many people who suffer from it look completely healthy. It is more than just a stomach ache. It affects every aspect of their life. For those affected it means living with, at times, unbearable pain and countless medical treatments. I take for granted being able to eat whatever I want and feeling fine. In retrospect, it's sad that my biggest concern about what I eat is if my jeans will be too tight. Hopefully through awareness efforts, treatments will advance for this silent disease and people living with Crohn's can only worry if their jeans will be too tight. 
-Amanda( best friend for 24 years)

My dear friend Kristi asked me to write a few words about what Crohn's advocacy means to me. I was of course honored that not only would she ask, but to think of me as a Crohn's advocate. Seems like a big title to hold. So I had to look up the word advocacy- the act of pleading or arguing in favor of something, such as a cause, idea or policy; active support.  The phrase active support really hit home for me because that is really the essence of what I believe it means to me to be a Crohn's advocate. I don't know how to cure Crohn's or make Kristi's pain go away, but I do know how to support her as a friend and I know her life would be so much easier if she didn't have to fight Crohn's each and every day. I so desperately want a cure for Kristi and others living with IBD.  Kristi has shown me that this world really is bigger than just our lives and that we can make a big difference if we ban together against the fight for finding a cure for Crohn's. She introduced me to Team Challenge this year and it was a life changing experience.  I will always going forward being a Crohn's advocate by actively supporting not only Kristi, but the search for a cure .
-Jen (friend for 2 years)

Crohn's..... I first learned of Crohn's a little over a year ago. At first I seen it as he "invisible disease" with no physical sign of the person being sick. Little did I know what was going on inside. Not to long after I got to see first hand how quickly that all can change!  From being fine one day and then the next day your having your stomach cut open. I've seen the toll that it takes on a family. I've seen the fear of what's to come. I've seen the annoyance of it..... Simple things that we take for granted like, flying in a plane, running, being In a crowded place, etc.. So my wish or hope is that someone will find one medicine that will take care of the disease.  Something they can take in the morning and they can be on with their day. It's to much trial and error right now and it takes a toll on their bodies. Help spread the word, take a little time and learn about it. There's a lot of things out there that you can do to help. The Take Steps walk that money raised helps sends kids to camp oasis for a week.  Also Team Challenge, hundreds of people raising money for research!! 
Dani (friend for 5 years) 

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