1. Don't cry or fret over the past, it's gone. It's so easy to think about how you would change things in the past but in reality that is not physically possible. I recently found a list that I wronged 20 things I wanted to do before I turned 30... Let's just say I could only cross off 5 things...I guess I have 2 more months to cross some more off 😃. That list isn't going to make or break my life. I need to quit making lists that are unrealistic and set my goals 1 at a time because we only have 24 hours in a day. We all need to quit being so hard on ourselves and live in the present. We need to cherish and be grateful for everything that we have.
2. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. As 2014 is upon us, we all are setting our goals for the next year and future. That's great!! However remember live in the moment because you never know when that moment will pass you or the world will stop. I got that slap in my face this year by losing my grandma. She was someone that I could talk to honestly and always got an honest answer. Losing her was so unexpected and so hard to grip that I have been trying to take each day one step at a time. Say I love you, kiss your kids daily, call you friends, enjoy life!
3. Live each day to the fullest and show all your hidden sparkle. Enduring my 4th bowel resection in 15 years is not something I want to do again. They say 3rd times a charm... Well I'm saying 4th time is a charm. I can't fret about my disease and what's going to happen in the future or tomorrow because my disease will be with me until the day I die, I need to focus on my health daily. I can't begin to tell you the excitement I have moving into 2014 and the passion I have to push awareness forward. I'm going to spread sparkle all over!! I just as we'll be wearing a tutu full time.
4. Slow down! This is a word that isn't in any of our vocabularies because the world we live in is fast paced. We THINK we need the nicest things, nice cars, a big house, a high paying job, all the friends in the world, the list could go on and on. When in reality all we need to do is slow down and look at who is around us. That is what means the most. We can't take all those material things or that money to heaven. But what we do take and leave is the memories we make and the love we share.
5. Never lose hope!
I'm a faithful believer that things only happen for a reason and God only gives you what you can handle. When you are dealt those cards that you don't want, deal with them with your head held high and a smile on your face. Don't show defeat. You are stronger than you can imagine. Never forget it!
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