We'll guess what ladies and gentleman.......... I'm SO glad I went and loved every second of it. This group of people that wears the orange and blue I officially call my family. They are my family that truly understands mostly everything about this disease and can look at you and say "yes I know"! I can't even tell you how much I love being around these people. I feel "normal" for a weekend and that is a word that isn't used to describe me.
So let's get to the juice of it.... That dreaded 13.1 miles!!! I didn't run the race to prove anything, either to myself or anyone else. I ran it because "being part of it" is so much better than being in the sidelines. No matter if I had to crawl, hop, skip, jump, dance, or walk the Vegas strip!! I had an amazing group of people that surrounded me the entire time. We ran as a South Dakota team for almost the first 3 miles which was great. Then I got to be surrounded by my Jen sandwich!! These 2 gave me the strength and support to make it the entire way. They walked when I had to walk, talked when I was talking and just pushed me and my strength. I felt like the last 3 miles I could have died but they didn't allow that and made sure that my hands were up in the air as we crossed the finish line. I was thinking as I crossed that finish line, it didn't matter how long it took me to get there, I'll still have Crohn's disease, still feel sick and no medal would change that. But what mattered was having all the love and support around me!!
I can't put into words how much I love each and everyone one of you!
I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!! Remember you have so much to be thankful for. Your family, your health, your strength and your spirit!!
I will end this with a few pics :))